Its a great night tonight.
My mum is at Melaka and my dad sleeps early, as usual.
My elder sis is out and won't be home early.
My little sis is doing her own things. Won't give me troubles.
Here am i blogging and listening to Jason Mraz's songs.
Doing my moral project at the same time.
TV is off. Best time to relax myself in front of the computer with some songs.
If every night is like today, i won't mind studying at this time. I can focus more in fact.
Although there is no one to chat with, i some how don't feel boring. Its so quite right now.
Just Jason Mraz's songs i hear. Mmmmmmm.
Well, i hope that tonight will last longer as i don't get it every day.
But, nothing is forever. Even a long movie comes to an end some day.
Well look, my sister is asleep already. Its the best night in this month.
Lets see, Open Day is over. Although my mum did not took my results but she know it all.
As you know, mums know everything. Still get the scolding and i was kinda rude to my dad.
I can't deny it. I got no reasons to deny actually. He gave me advice and maybe i took it wrongly.
My mum was right i guess. Or maybe i was born to be stupid.
I'll go with both. Mum says i never put in much effort in my studies. She's right !
Just that i never notice it myself. I was wrong to be rude to her too.
I don't study much but should i blame the teachers or myself ?
Myself too i guess. You can say that i never pay attention in class. I don't know myself.
Well, Mum Dad, i can't show you my best results but i'll do my best.
Another thing. They are teaching Science and Math in Malay again.
Is it a WoooHoo or a BooooHooooo ?
Well, based on my opinion, its a BoooHooo ! Malay language is important obviously.
But, English is an international language. English is used world wide and its very obvious.
Students here wishes to go out country to study, mostly. Most of the country uses English.
We can't expect other country to learn Malay language just for Malaysians.
Its better to learn a language that is being used world wide that expecting others to learn us.
Okay, i'm done. Don't want to ruin my one-in-a-million night.
Back to my night, chatting with Brandon currently. Just the bro i need in such night.
He's the best guy you can find around. I'm damn lucky to find a bro like him, seriously.
He's a person with personality and loyalty money can't buy or even afford !
I knew him since kindergarden. Then, same primary school and now secondary. God's will huh ?
That's what made us best friends. 12 years of best budds. What could i ask more ?
He's the guy to talk with when you're happy, moody, sad, you name it !
We share stuffs and tonight i'm having the best relaxing mood. Thank God ! =)
Well my bro, just a message. Whenever you need me, just text or ring me. I'll try to be there.
Its time for my sleep guys although i don't want too. But, my eyes are so heavy.
Hope to get a night like this soon or occasionly, i don't mind. =)