Dec 31, 2009

DANGER ! 2010 !

Its just a pointless picture. HAHHA.
Anyway, its New Year's Eve already.
Its was Christmas last week and now New Year's Eve ?
Man, time passes by fast. Tomorrow i'll be Form 5.
Which is not a good news tho.

So, 2009, it has been a fun year.
Meet many new friends and been to many places and houses.
Overnighting as CC and all. Fun stuffs.
But money also spending like pouring water.
So, my wallet has been vomiting blood for a few times.
HAHAHA. But who can think so much when you're having fun ?

There was someday in 2009 has been heartbreaking.
There was some day in 2009 has been stressing.
There was some day in 2009 has been moody.
Tonnes of stuff.

2010 comes when the clock struck 12am later !
There is still few more hours. Finish stuff that you have left out.
Time passes and it would not come back !

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