Mar 6, 2011

Time, time, time.

Time, time, time.

I'm starting to think that sleeping is just a waste of time,
But, i still love sleeping. In that 8 hours of sleep, I can do so many things.
Hang out with friends, watch movie, online, games. Just in that 8 hours alone.
Damn the human needs for sleep.
I love the night life, i love the moon more than the sun !
Since i was young, i love staying up late at night and do my stuff. Read or anything.
As long as it's not sleeping !

Time, time, time.

Isn't it great if i can stop you whenever i want ?
There are many moments that i wish it'll last for eternity.
If there's someone always there to capture my great happy moment in picture.
I'll pay that person for all the pictures.
With friends and all, many of friends are separating one by one.
It's impossible to remember all of them for long term.
When you don't see a person for long,
memory about them with some how poof away, deleted !
and i don't want that, i even want to remember my enemies.
To know who hated me before, to know what i did.

Oh, time.

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