Jan 17, 2011

Why ?

I wonder, what makes girls so special and guys not ? Why should we prioritize them ? As if they are all oh so wonderful and innocent and won't do anything bad. As if they are the only one that can get hurt, and guys can't. Both girls and guys can get cheated, both girls and guys can get rob, both girls and guys can get rich, both girls and guys have heart and feelings, both girls and guys have their death time. Guys have a dick and girls have vagina ! So, what makes them so special compare to guys ? Sometimes, i see quotes or sentences saying "Behind every successful man, there's a great woman". Saying as if all guy's ever success if because they have a girl behind their back. Well, they're wrong. Guys can live without girls as great as girls can live without guys. Many bachelor live richly without girls behind their back. Another thing is, if girls can be b*tchy, why guys can't be playboys ? Girls can love two guys at once and guys can love two girls at once too. Whats next is the "treat your woman right or you wont get any woman" quote. Where's the "treat your man right or you wont get any man" quote ? Guys have as much feeling as girls have. If girls want guys to treat them right, treat guys right too. Don't go telling them "I love you" and on the other side, there flirting with over guy. Imagine is a guy do that back to the girl. What the girl feels is what exactly the guy feels too. And last, First steps/moves ! Whoever make the rules guys must make the first step first ? You want a guy to make the first step, you give them signs. Guys can't always make the first move. Why girls can't make first move ? Shy ? Guys will be shy too. Again, whatever a girl's emotion, a guy has too. Just that guys don't show it out because sometimes it isn't a must.

My point here is guys and girls are kinda like the same. Emotions and feelings, guys and girls have it too. Just be fair with each other. You don't want to be cheated, then don't go cheat. Just a little of what i think.

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