Apr 6, 2012


There's one pair of couple-to-be in my class. They're just so cute. They call each other brothers or good friends or best friends, but, i don't know about others, i can see that deep down they actually love each other whether they want to admit it or not.

This is because, whenever i see how the guy treats the girl, i see myself last time when i'm in love. He would be with her most of the time, care more about her than any one else, go out on secret dates. The guy can tell me there's nothing between him and the girl or deny that he loves the girl, but it's just to obvious for me. I really do see myself when i love a girl. Brings back my memories from secondary school. I'm happy for them, they both do match and look rather cute together.

But although they both love each other, something is stopping them from being together. Maybe its their past relationship experience, which make Love an untrustable subject. They're just afraid to get hurt again, so they just want to remain how things are right now. Afraid things will mess up which will ruin their relationship, even as friends. Afraid of objections from friends and family. Since i went to college, i do more thinking. Now i realize that there are many things to consider before starting a relationship. Understanding, communication and toleration are three out of many important criteria in a relationship. So, perhaps what they're doing right now might be the right thing. Consider things that must be considered and understand each other more before starting a relationship.

Anyway, i do wish them both the best ! Whether they do love each other or not, just hope that they will achieve what kind of relationship they wanted.

There things our once upon a relationship,
lacked of.

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