Apr 21, 2012

That feel.

The rank, Friend, comes with a huge responsibility to others. Friends are second most important thing to a person after family members and relatives. When you're a friend to somebody, you're expected to be their tissue when they weep, shoulder when they need to lean on, eyes when they're blind and hugs when they're alone and most importantly, one of the person who will be there for them whenever they're in good or bad times.

But, it's hard to find an actual friend these days. It's a sad world right now that you can't even identify which is and which is not your friend, a friend or a foe. People these days take their friends for advantage, which i felt these kind of people should burn in Hell for eternity. Anyway, who am i to judge ? I'm not God.

Just because of the existence of these foes or fake friends, that doesn't mean real friends do not exist any more. That doesn't mean we should treat others how those fake friends treated you. If you know the pain of being alone, don't let others be alone. You being there for a friend means a lot to them, at least they know there is some one who cared for them besides their parents'.

Just imagine, you have a friend that is always there for you. How would you feel ? How you feel is how others feel too when you're there for them through thick and thin. It's a fair world. Treat others how you want others to treat you (:

Cheers (:  

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