Happy 1st Anniversary, my Love !
When i hold your hands, i feel deep trust from you,
When we hug, i feel deep care from you,
When we kiss, i feel deep love from you.
22nd of March 2011, a day late after the official date of anniversary,
I get to go out with you and i'm truly happy for that.
Sad thing is that too bad it has to end so early.
Although not watching movie today,
i enjoy talking to you,
i enjoy walking with you,
i enjoy holding your hands for the whole day,
i enjoy listening to your voice,
i enjoy seeing you smile,
i enjoy staring at you for no reason,
i enjoy thinking about you,
i enjoy eating with you,
i enjoy drinking with you,
i enjoy holding the umbrella for you,
i enjoy tickling you,
i enjoy when you wrap your arms around me,
i enjoy you being shorter than me, :P
i enjoy being with you !
i enjoy kissing you !
i enjoy loving you !
Happy 1st Anniversary again, my Love !
I'm wishing for many more anniversary to come,
Anniversary with you of course !