Mar 31, 2013

Twenty Fifth Day (:

Twenty fifth day down ! (: How's my day ? Day was fine, didn't start off well tho but ended great ! (: I miss you, babe ):

Woke up, washed up and all then rushed out for breakfast with parents'. Then the stupid me, made babe angry again ): Haih, i'm sorry ): Parents' went and buy things for ching meng after breakfast. Whether was blazing hot, just waited for them in the car.

After everything, went home and took a shower and had a good scrub and then head over to babe's place. Babe was still mad at me tho, for the things i've said ) I'm sorry. Traffic was good, no jam at all. Took me not more than half an hour to reach (: When i reach, the mum isn't ready yet and babe was sleeping. Have to go in and disturbed babe for a while, hoping she would smile and forgive me. Yeayy, she did smiled (:

After when everyone's ready, we went to IPC Popular bookstore, because babe want to use up her book voucher before it expires. Almost spend one whole day there. The mum was busy choosing cook books and babe was looking around for her stationary. I accompanied babe and she bought some pens and rulers and things like that. Babe even got me a colour mechanical pencil with coloured lead. Hahahahah ! Thanks babe (:

After done with stationary, babe went accompany the mum and help her choose cook books and i went on my own, to see my story books. I realized, for one in my Life, i successfully finished a saga of a story book. I'm very impressed with myself ! :P I, then choose the starting of another new saga, Demonata, and started to read the first story while waiting for babe (: Babe asked me to get the book, but i didn't want. So, then we proceed to the cashier for payment, ended up that there's still 30 bucks balance from the balance. Babe told me to go get the book i was reading and so i did,  Thanks, babe ! Heheheheheh !

After whole day at the bookstore, we went for a lunch. I didn't eat tho, i was still full from my breakfast. Hee. After lunch, headed to babe's aunt place in Tropicana Golf Club. Babe and the mum wanted to go there and play a little game of mahjong. I went there and study, because i got a stupid resit paper to take on Monday and i don't really play mahjong. Heheheheheh !

Until it was about 10.30PM, stopped studying and moved out to the living room to watch tv. Then, Princeton cried and we do many things to stop him from crying. Including running on the streets at 11PM at night, or some time like that. Kids these days ! Hahahahaha ! Last time, it only takes cane to stop me from crying, as i remembered. Hahahahaha ! Played with Princeton until at was about 12AM and then i have to head home already. Great day with you today, babe (:

Eleven days more, babe ! Can't wait for it to come. And last paper for you, study smart and don't too stress. We'll study together okay ? (: Thanks for everything, babe (: I love you, very much !

Twenty fifth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 30, 2013

Twenty Fourth Day (:

Twenty fourth day down, babe ! (: Just few more days to go. How am i feeling today ? Not great at all ): because didn't get to see you at all ): I miss you ):

Had a short day, didn't even know what i did in particular. Woke up early because aunt is going back today, gonna have breakfast with her and parents' in the morning. After breakfast, drop them off at the LRT Station and i went to Oldtown and study for my resit paper on Monday ): I felt i'm a very good boy today, some one should reward me :P And also, went cash in my pay cheque today. My first time also ! Hehehehehe !

Studied till it was about 12PM and i headed home. Studying alone is never fun and i was having a headache from all the memorizing ! Went home with the hope to go see babe later in the evening. When i reached home, i was kind of tired and just lied on the bed for almost an hour, doing nothing but messaging babe (: A while later, sat up and continue studying.

Babe suddenly told me today's plan cancel because heavy rain soon and postpone it to tomorrow or Sunday. Really turned my mood down and went emo ): For the whole day, i was really looking forward to see you ): Then suddenly like this. But i understand, you just don't want me to drive in the heavy rain (: But still, i was emo because end up, it didn't rain also. Babe went to sleep after that because was tired from the day.

While waiting for babe to wake up, was just lying on bed and day dream and on intervals, sat up and memorize some law shits. A while later, have to go out and drive sis home from tuition already and then we head to a bookshop to spend my book voucher. I got speakers ! At that time, babe was also awake already. Sis got a pendrive and mum got a keyboard !

After buying the stuffs, went home for dinner. Mum's cooking today (: After dinner and everything, sat back on my bed and tested the new speakers. It doesn't have the good bass sound i wanted but i realized i expected too much from a RM25 speakers. Hah. On the bright side, it's working well (: Whole night, did some interval studying also and chat with babe but babe was busy with drama ): Hahahahaha ! Joking, i don't mind at all.

Didn't really do much today, no pictures to post also. Heh. Before sleep, managed to make my babe emo again. Haih, fucking useless me. All the wrong words from my mouth. I'm sorry, babe ): Before semester break even started, already got myself a part time job.

Yeayyyeayy ! The day is coming closer ! Heheheheh ! Study well for the last paper, babe (: Although i still have two papers to go, i will also do my best. Sorry that i said nonsense, i really didn't mean it ): I'm sorry, babe ):

Twenty fourth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 29, 2013

Twenty Third Day (:

Twenty third day down ! Sorry i've missed out two days, was busy with exams and shits like that ): But lots has happen in the past two days (: How am i feeling today ? Not very well, because of lack of sleep, exams and didn't get to see you longer ):

Past two days has been great ! (: Babe came over to stay for two nights, we studied till late night and get to hug her to sleep. Another good thing is exam guidelines given my teacher are very useful ! Hopefully i don't fail any paper ! Heh.

On Tuesday morning, went back to visit babe and hopefully she feels better. She asked me to buy back food for her but too bad, no more fish head noodles. So, just accompanied her to the food stalls nearby her home and bought some vegetarian food home together with yee mee, babe's having that. She still feels a little dizzy from the previous day ):

After babe's lunch, we hanged around for a while and played with the kids. After that, we head to Oldtown to study for the upcoming paper on Thursday. We only studied a while tho because babe wasn't feeling well still ): Went back and rest for a while and until it was about 7PM, we left to go over to my place (:

At first, babe was wishing to be at my place before 8PM because she wants to catch up a drama but too bad, was facing bad traffic. She just planned to watch the repeat tomorrow morning. So, we went for dinner at nearby my place. It was a very cheap dinner, only RM15 with 3 dishes for two person. Most budget meal ever !

After dinner, headed back to my place and continue studying. Babe was stress and headache at the same time. So, decided to sleep early since she wants to watch the repeat of her drama tomorrow morning (:

Woke up at bout 10.30AM the next day, just right in time for her drama. Without cleaning up, she rushed down for her drama ! Hahahahaha ! After drama, took turns to shower and then head back over to babe's place because need to pass something to her brother before he goes out.

Took about half an hour to reach there, pass the notes to her brother and the drop him off at Asia Jaya. Head back over to babe's place after that. Had lunch, the dad bought lunch home for me also and it's the fish head noodles ! Yummyumm ~

After lunched, played with the kids until it was their nap time. When it's time for their nap, it means it's time for babe and my nap :P Slept for a while until it was about 5PM, then we head to Oldtown to study again for upcoming papers. Babe emo for a while here ):

We studied till quite late, didn't really realize the time passed. We studied until it was about 10PM, then head back to babe's place for dinner. The mum prepared dinner (: Awesome, delicious food again ! If i wasn't full that time, i would have finished everything on the table ! Heheheheh ! But then again, i was shyy.

After awesome dinner, waited babe to packed up and then head over to my place for another night because i don't have the complete notes to study ): Sorry, babe for troubling ): Reached at my place at about close to 12AM already. Packed up a bit and shower and everything, it was 12.30AM already. Studied a while until it was about 1AM and decided to sleep and wake up earlier later to study.

Alarm rang at 4.45AM but woke up at 5AM ! The usual :P Woke up, washed up and everything, waited babe to shower and everything and we head to McDonalds to study right before the exam (: We reached McDonalds at about 6AM and it was kind of packed there. Packed with students like us also, i supposed.

Had breakfast there also and tonnes of coffee ! Studied till it was about 8AM and we left for college already. Exam starts at 9AM, want to reach there a bit earlier for better parkings. Heh. We were early, so went there and continue studying for a while until the whistle blew, it's time for the exam.

Exam was 3 hours, and i guess i didn't really did that great. All i hope is a pass right now. Guidelines were kind of accurate but a lot of extras that didn't came out. Wasted much time on the extras topic ): All i hope is a pass.

After exam, got our pay from our previous job and then headed to babe's place. Once reached, saw the kids playing water in a inflatable swimming pool. They're having so much fun, if i was a kid, i would have joined ! Hahahahaha ! Watched them played for a while, then played with them after their shower and lunch and everything.

Babe was hungry, she made special maggie mee that she didn't cook for me before ): Maggie mee with chilli padi which is so awesome, spicy is the fixture to everything ! Hahahahaha ! After that, it was the children's nap time, which means, it was babe's and my nap time also. Hehehehehe ! Was kind of tired also, slept very fast.

Once woke up, i have to head home already because have a dinner with my aunt who is leaving tomorrow. A bit of heavy traffic on my way home, but it was fine (: Really wished i can have more time with babe today ):

Thanks babe for keeping me accompany for the past two nights and also for the past 9 months (: I really appreciate your existence in my Life and i'm very glad i have you in my Life (: I love you very much, babe (: Sorry for missing two posts. Hope we can go through exams easily, without stress (:

Twenty third day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 26, 2013

Twenty First Day (:

Twenty first day down, babe ! (: Today's a first day of exam. Day started off good and then bad because babe's not feeling well ): Feels bad that i can't do anything to help babe feel better ):

Parents' and sister are going up to Genting for four days, starting from today. Woke up early to have breakfast with them and then send them off to the bus station. After that, babe messaged me saying she just woke up and will make her way to Wangsa Maju soon. I went home and showered and waited for her call (:

When babe called, went out and drove babe back to my place to study because we  don't know where else we can study. We studied for the exam until it was time to go to school. Parking wasn't hard to find today as it was exam period. Got a parking easily and walked in to college. Exam starts at 2PM to 5PM. It was a three hour paper and it only took me and babe about 2 hours or so to complete the paper. We left early and head to the canteen for our lunch, whole day didn't eat lunch ):

After lunch at canteen, made our way back to babe's place for dinner later in the evening. I was kinda sleepy and tired, so i had a nap. Not sure whether did babe had her nap but i sure had a good sleep ! Hehehehehe ! Woke up, it was about 7PM already and babe want to go to the night market. The night market was super packed and it's hard to find a parking also. Through good luck, we eventually found a parking nearby also

Walked around and buy some food back to babe's place. We're kind of rushing also because babe want to rush back to watch her drama. On the way home, babe starting to feel uncomfortable already ): When reached home, she complained headache and all. About later, she went and vomit and all, hope you feel better after that ): Was planning to accompany babe until she fall asleep but failed ):

Please feel better tomorrow, babe ): See you like this i also Heart pain. Wish i can do something to make you feel better ): I love you, babe (:

Twenty first day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 25, 2013

Twentieth Day (:

Twentieth day down ! Another day closer ! :D How am i feeling today ? I had a good good day (: First time see how muslim culture engagement is and importantly, get to spend my whole day with babe (: A god great day (:

Today's the day that babe's cousin is getting engage. Was suppose to reached at babe's at 9.30AM and i was almost late ! Woke up at around 8.30AM and the bathroom was taken by my sister. When she's done. quickly jumped into the showers then change then drop parents' at Wangsa Maju because they're gonna have breakfast and left for babe's place after that.

Traffic was smooth and miraculously i reached just in time, sharp 9.30AM (: Awesome me ! :P But then, babe wasn't ready yet, so went in and have a seat while waiting. Babe was emo early in the morning because of a bad product ): Even i got scolding by her ): After she was done, we headed out but first is to breakfast, dim sum for breakfast, at the same time to meet up with the brother. Dim sum was nice, but kind of salty. After breakfast, we head to babe's aunty place for the engagement ceremony.

Hot babe :P Sizzling hot !

When we thought we're late, actually we're not at all. But the ceremony was almost starting. Bride's getting ready in the room, didn't went up to see because it was all girls up there. Didn't want to be awkward. Sat down there and slowly it was getting packed. All the aunties and everyone and then, slowly the fiancee's relatives also came and the whole house is packed, full with people.

Looks like the whole village is arriving ! 

Muslim culture, gifts to the bride's family. Something like that.

There was no place for me, so i went up the stairs and stood with babe while witnessing the negotiation of terms between the bride's family side and the groom's family side. The negotiation went on quite long, didn't stayed and watch the whole process as it was super hot. Went upstairs room where there's aircond and played with kid and chit chatted with babe and the cousins (:

The ceremony went on quite long and so i was in the air cond room quite long. When i was done, it means makan time. Went down and grab some food and sat down and ate with babe (: they have mutton ! But i didn't eat much tho. Hehehehehe ! After eating, hanged downstairs for a while and hear people chat and all. Then they have this picture sessions with the groom.

The bride, sorry for blur. Was taken from far.

It was getting hot, have no choice but to go upstairs again with babe and Princeton to the air cond room again. Sooner and later, babe cousin and all also came into the room. Chit chatted again for the whole day, almost for the whole day we're in the room and it was super comfortable !

The day was almost done and everyone was going home one by one already. It's time to leave the air cond room and go down ): We stayed until about 4PM because the mum wanted to help clean up and everything. In the middle, made babe emo again because of the stupid voice command ):  plus she was tired and all, only add oil to the fire ): Sorry, babe. When the mum was done helping, we made our way back to babe's place. I was super sleepy ~

When reached babe's place, went wash up and then went take a nap with babe and she wasn't made anymore by then (: Hehehehehe ! We slept till about 7 in the evening and then went out to have dinner and study for tomorrow's exam ! 

We went to McDonalds to have our dinner and to study ! (:  She's stress and feeling sick too ): Poor babe ): I tried to cheer her up a little by asking to take pictures ! (: Hehehehehe ! Hope i did cheer you up, even if it's just a little (:

Perfectly normal (:

Went full retarded :D

Some big ass lizard, she said she never see one so big before. Asked me to take a picture :P

Studied until it was about 10.30PM or so then head home (: Dropped babe home and then i head home. When i reached home, it was about 12AM then (: I miss you the moment you left ):

I'm getting more and more excited for the day to come, babe (: not for the exams ! Heheheheh ! Hope we both can do well in upcoming finals and don't stress out ! I'm here for you to bite :P Study smart ! I love you, babe (:

Twentieth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 24, 2013

Nineteenth Day (:

Nineteenth day down ! Time feels so close, but yet so far. Today is a good day, besides for morning when i made you angry again ): Sorry ):

Woke up early again because have to send aunt to her doctor at Cheras. It wasn't a long way there, thank God there's no traffic jam today (: Reached there, waited for a while then went and find one of my cousin brother at a coffee shop. He's working as a barista, at some chinese restaurant. Chilled there for quite long and my babe wasn't up yet ): Pig :P

Parents' catch up with their old neighbors as they lived there previously. Listening stories about places there, ghost and kidnapping case and all. Very interesting (: at the same time, i found out Ampang is quite a scary place too. Anyway, after chilling, we went for some Ampang famous yong tau fu ! Didn't eat much also, was kind of full or maybe just don't feel like eating.

After eating, head our way back home. Traffic jam and i was stuck in it for almost an hour and that's how i didn't get to reply babe and made her angry ): I'm sorry ): Was forced to get a haircut and so we went to Wangsa Walk for a while to get my hair cut. Turned out bad but forget about it. After that, went Carefour cause mum wanna do some grocery shopping and after that head home.

Babe was still mad at me ): messaged her to asked what time should i go over then she told me she's going Midvalley later. She asked me whether i want to join then i said okay. Quickly went shower and then head out (:

When reached, we made our way to Midvalley with babe and the mum (: slight traffic jam but we still able to reach Midvalley. Parking was full but still manage to find one illegal parking spot ! Main point of going there is to used up the vouchers given by government to buy books and stationary. Once we reached, we head to MPH Bokstore but then, there weren't many choices of things and so, end up empty handed and left.

After Midvalley, we made our way to her aunty's place because she was gonna make awesome dinner ! (: Slight jam on the way there but it was fine, wasn't that heavy. When we reached there, i just sat around, not knowing what i should do. Helped shift some tables and chairs out. After that, i just chilled there for the whole day and enjoyed a cup of coke and some chocolates :P and took some pictures !

Cute chocolates that i can't eat ! Too cute !

And some photo sessions ! Yes, i cute my hair and yes, ugly i know ):

A while later, studied with babe for a while. She asked me questions and i tried my best to recall what i studied the previous night but i only managed to answer half of the full answers for each question ): After that, just chat and joke around until other guests came and dinner time (: Dinner time was superb awesome, for me at least because it was all super duper spicyyyy ! It's so yummyumm ! Too bad have to save some for the guest, if not i would vacuum everything into my stomach ! Hahahahahahah !

Chilled there after dinner, just play with kids and my phone and studied and it was hot, hot, hot ! I don't know it's because of the spicy dinner or the whether. Was sweating like mad dog ! A while later, everyone went a did inai, a muslim tradition thing except for me. Not really into it. Hehehehehe ! Everyone was excited ! 

This is what babe had (: One thing, i don't know why her hand looks greenish blue here :O

Chill until around 10 or so, the we left already. By the time reached babe's place, it was already about 11PM or so. Went in a borrow the toilet and then head home myself (: 

Sorry babe, made you angry once you woke up ): Didn't mean to. Thanks for inviting me over so such awesome dinner and awesome time with you ! Hehehehehehe ! I really had a great time with you, babe ! One important thing, thanks for teaching me MFS too :P You'll ace MFS, that's for sure. Hehehehehe ! I love you, babe (:

  Nineteenth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 23, 2013

Eighteenth Day (:

Eighteenth day down ! (: How am i feeling today ? Feeling great but things weren't very good at the evening and night ): Something happened and you starting to stress already ): Study smart, babe. Don't fall sick and over stressed (:

Today didn't have to wake up early, so slept in until quite late until babe called me with her super cute voice today, i don't know why she sounded so cute on the phone this morning ! Hehehehehe ! Once woke up, straight to the showers and got ready to go out (: She even forgot to call me to tell me that she already reached the station and so, she have to wait a while. Lucky i'm smart enough to leave home a little bit early :P

Reach there and picked her up. Babe wanted to have pizza for lunch today and so we did. But before that, i went and do some errands i have to do for my dad. After that, we head to the Pizza Hut near my secondary school and we met Jenny, our former classmate. We had personal pan pizza and spaghetti.

Wanted carbonara but they said don't have ): This is prawn something something 

Awesome fully cheesed pizza, Hawaiian pizza (:

Our side dishes, creamy mushroom soup and fried wedges (:

Sprite and Mountain Dew, babe said my Dew tasted like dishwasher ):

After lunch, i brought babe to where i first learn driving and i thought her driving :P Well, she's okay for a first timer but still, she seems scared :P But if she was to take her license now, i think she's ready to go (:

Driver in the making :P

We head to class after that, most boring class which we never attended before. We only attended this time because they say the lecturer will give exam guidelines ! Went there and got what we went for and got our coursework marks.

Some people weren't satisfied about what they got and they blame the teacher. Marks are important but then i don't think students can put the blame on the teacher for it. Yes, he didn't pushed us to pass up our homework for additional marks but he did mention about it. Just that, we chose to ignore because the teacher was a easy going one. You're older than many of us, we all expect you to be more mature ?

After class, we went home (: babe didn't want me to drive her home but i successfully persuaded her to let me drive her home. Hehehehehe ! Can see you longer for the day (: Left her home and i went home after that. Didn't stayed because i'm going to visit my uncle who just recover from operation (:

Reached home, had dinner and a little while later my aunty came. Then left home and made our way to my uncle's place. Traffic jam again, what's with traffic jam these days ? After a long bad traffic jam, finally reached my uncle's place.

Thank God he looked healthy but what breaks my Heart is when i saw his health report and it was bad, just bad because his kidney isn't working well any more. Then i see him sitting there alone, no one talking to him, i felt his loneliness. A while later, my aunty went and talked to him and then i joined in, joking with him and everything. He smiled, he laughed but too bad that's all i can do ): But i believe he's strong, i still arm wrestled with him and he has the strength, although it didn't lasted long. It's good to see him laugh and smile (:

Another day down, babe (: Which means another day close to the day ! I miss you very much ): Please don't fall sick study smart and don't overly stressed. Want to let off any gas, just come to me. I won't mind (: We work hard together ! I miss you, babe. 

Eighteenth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 22, 2013

Seventeenth Day (:

Seventeenth day down, babe ! Another day closer (: How am i feeling today ? Feel great and a bit sad. Made you angry again today ): Haih, i'm sorry ):

Have to wake up super early today, literally didn't sleep at all, because have to bring my aunty to the hospital. It's like freaking early in the morning. I have to drive in such blur state, even my eyes are closing while driving but luckily i made it through the journey. And another thing that made my morning even worse, traffic freaking jam ! OMG ! Stuck at one place for about half an hour. I was sleepy some more, imagine the situation.

When we reached the hospital, drop my aunty at the place she's supposed to be then me and dad went out for breakfast nearby. We had wan tan mee ! It was awesome, especially their char siew, it's special (: Chill at the coffee shop for a while then we went back to the hospital. I sat a while then left at about 9.30 because i told dad i got class at 11. When i was on my way home, i came to know that i don't have house keys with me ! I was so freaking cranky that time but still, i have to go to my mum's school to get the house keys from her.

Went home, shower and then head over to babe's place ! (: Felt a little bit better after a shower. Reached babe's place quite early and we went for lunch ! She had her fish head noodles and i had duck rice, it was a little over priced but it tastes good (: Pictures still with babe, will post up once i got them.

Fish head noodles ! She likes her fish separated from the soup :P DDY :P

My duck ! Didn't bother to take picture of the rice. Heheheheh !

After lunch, we went to SS2 Mall Oldtown to study. This is when i made her angry again ): I'm sorry, babe ): Please don't misunderstand, im only keeping it for something bigger ): Studied for a while and i really can't hang on any longer, i need to sleep ): Told babe about it, then we went back to her place and i can get my sleep ! Thanks, babe (: Slept for more than an hour and that was all i need ! Suddenly, it rained heavily and i can't leave. Babe's mum asked me to have dinner and so i did. The mum cook awesome food all the time and i very enjoyed each dishes i ever had before (:

After dinner, i had to leave ): because having some sort of family dinner today, was forced to leave early ): Have to say goodbye to babe and i didn't want to ): I miss you so much ): Didn't get to spend an exact whole day with you today but i am still glad i get to spend time with you (: I love you, babe (:

Seventeenth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 21, 2013

Sixteenth Day ! (:

Sixteenth day down ! (: Another day closer ! How am i feeling today ? Awesome pawsome ! Have a great day with you. Although i did made you angry in the morning, i'm sorry ): I just want to surprise you ! Hehehehehe !

Almost woke up late again today, luckily babe called my house number. Quickly went shower after woke up and wash up and all. Had breakfast and wait babe to reach the station. She's the late one :P When she reach, went and pick her up and head to college for first lecture (:

Was early for lecture again but actually, it's the teacher who is late. Lecture was important because he was giving exam guidelines and hopefully we all do well in the upcoming finals (: This is when i made babe angry ): I told her i wasn't free tonight but actually i am. I just want to surprise her cause seeing her being stress and all ): She didn't talked to me until the lecture end ):

We headed to Oldtown to study and this is when i secretly purchase the movie she wanted to see online (: My phone had some problem logging in so i have to secretly use her's. Thank goodness i get to log in, if not, surprise fail again ): When i showed her the transaction of the tickets i purchased, she was still angry ): then a while later, she gave me the shy but not shy smile ! Which i guess, she isn't mad anymore. Hehehehehe !

After studied at Oldtown, we headed back to college because we have another class. The class was gonna discuss the given guidelines which means it's important or essential or whatever they called it. Class did not end early today because there were a lot to cover. After class, headed back over to babe's place to get something. After that, we made our way to Midvalley (:

It was about evening and raining, so there was a traffic jam. Stuck for quite some time. I think it took us about half an hour or so to reach Midvalley. After a long stuck on the road, we finally reached Midvalley and got lucky with finding parking ! (:

Once reached, we head for dinner first ! Nando's ! (: Yumyum ~

Nando's half chicken ! We shared of course (:

After dinner, we went and had Baskin Robbins' ! They have this promotions where eight scoops of ice cream for only RM9.90 (: Hehehehehe !

Eight scoops for RM9.90 ! (:

We went for our movie after that. We watched Ah Boy To Men 2 ! Funny movie, laughed till i can't control ! It's in chinese tho, thank God for subtitles ! Hehehehehe !

After movie, we took our sweet time and walk around the mall. Hehehehehe ! Wish the time didn't have to end ): Walked around until it's about 9.30 or 10PM, we headed home. Drove babe home first then i head home ): I miss you so much right now ):

Yeay ! Sixteen days passed already, babe (: I can't wait for us to be officially together again (: In the mean time, lets just focus on studying for the finals so we both will do well in finals ! Don't study hard but study smart (: I'll always support you ! Hehehehehe ! I love you, babe ! Very much (:

Sixteenth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 20, 2013

Fifteenth Day, Happy Birthday Daddy !

Fifteenth day down ! (: How am i feeling today ? Well, for today, wasn't very good ): Why ? Because i made you angry twice today ): So, things aren't very good ):

Woke up, almost woke up last today because slept late last night but who knows, someone is more later than me :P my babe ! Quickly washed up and showered and then head out. End up we're still late for class, not ordinary late but super late ! But it doesn't matter, since it's the last week already :P

Went to class, teacher wasn't giving any exam guidelines and keep asking us to attend Friday's lecture. I'm so very lazy ): But just for the guidelines, i guess i have no choice but to attend ):  After tutorial, we went for lunch with other classmates (: Ate at a nearby place. Food used to be kind of nice but now, it has no taste at all. Maybe it's just me, i don't know. Not very fond of it and the price.

Hang around at the place until it was  about lecture time then we  left for lecture. This lecture was giving, hopefully, accurate guidelines because lecturer seems confident ! If there was more lecturers like this, no students will fail at anything ! Hahhahaha ! Lecture was fun and interesting with stupid, crazy jokes ! After lecture, we went to the library to study but can't find my study mood. Only studied a bit ):

We left library half an hour before our next tutorial starts because we were hungry ! So, we head to the canteen for some food before class (: We headed to class right after eating. Class was boring also, lecturer did give exam guidelines but briefly only. Then again, it's better than nothing !

Didn't have plans for later because it was dad's birthday and have to drive sis home and to tuition. Just sent babe to the LRT Station. On the way there, i made babe angry again ): Haih. I'm sorry ):

Once reach home, mum told me to drive sis to tuition and go out and get birthday cake for dad with her. Reluctantly, i did what she said because i was very sleepy ): Get cake and came back, mum sad want to go out again because want to get dad his new phone. So again, drove out in sleepy mode. Went there, discussed for a while and get to know that they don't accept HSBC Bank credit cards for installment, which means my mum wouldn't want to buy the phone anymore ! Talk about bad luck ):

It was about 7PM that time and sis's tuition end at 8PM. I told mum i'm very lazy to drive back and out again in the one hour interval and so mum says go to Carefour ! Oh, how much i regret what i said ): I'm even lazier to go shopping with mum. Went Carefour until it was soon to be 8PM, we left and head to fetch sis from tuition center.

The birthday cake, Secret Recipe's Chocolate Fudge ! Yummyumm ~

 Daddy's making a wish (:

And family picture ! (:

Happy Birthday, Daddy ! Hope you get what you wished for and stay healthy and awesome like me :P I love you, daddy (:

Fifteen days down, babe ! I can't wait for the day to come (: I'm sorry about today that i made you angry, i know you're just worried and stress about exams and i know where i wrong. I'll do what i say i would do. I'm sorry you felt that way, babe ): But know this, I love you very much (: Wish i don't have to be away from you, ever !

Fifteenth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 19, 2013

Fourteenth Day (: Happy Monthsary ! (:

Fourteenth day down ! (: How am i feeling today ? Today is a good good day (: Happy 9th Monthsary, babe (: I know there's still 30 - 14 days for us, but still, Happy Monthsary ! (:

Had a good sleep previous night because i get to sleep by your side (: Woke up, washed up and chill for a bit while waiting for babe to get ready. Actually is the other way round, i was chilling and babe kept rushing me to go wash up. Hahahahaha ! Going to send her to the clinic for another HPV injection. Early morning, i got my monthsary gift from babe (: ! Hehehehehe ! I love it ! 

This is how it came !

And this is how it looks like inside ! (: Thanks babe :*

After opening present, we chilled for a while and then went for brunch first before making our way to the clinic at OUG. Morning then have awesome food already, this is the life (:

Fish head noodles (: It was awesome and delicious ! It's worth the price (:

After brunch, straight flew to OUG for the clinic. Took us about 20 minutes drive but then when we reached, found out the we were late. Nurses told us it's until 11.30am only but they didn't told us at our last appointment ): Nurses told us to come back within a month, it'll be fine. So, i guess it'll be after exam. With no where to go, we head to college for our 1PM lecture. We made it in time.

After lecture is a tutorial. Lecture ended early and we went a buy Snowflakes as it was a very very hot hot day ): Sweating like mad. We take away and head to class and eat. Eating ice on a blazing hot day is the best damn thing ever ! Hahahahaha !

After classes, babe doesn't want to go anywhere because we both need study ): She doesn't want me to drive her home also, so, i just dropped her at the LRT Station and that's when i last seen her. I miss you very much ):

Happy 9th Monthsary, Babe !

Got her flowers because it was the only thing that she least expected ! (:

And i think now will be the proper time to post the video i made for you. I've took the video down form the other post. Happy 9th Monthsary, babe ! 

Mar 17, 2013

Thirteenth Day

Thirteenth day down ! (: How am i feeling today ? Today is a great day ! Last day of work and spend my whole day with you (: how i wish everyday is like today (:

Another brief post because im doing this through my phonee.

Today woke up super early again because have to do marketing with parents'. After marketing, went home and shower and wait for babe to arrive.

But then, babe was late because she has to wait for her dad. So, end up her dad drop her off at Ampang Park Mall and i picked her up from there. Too bad, there's no breakfast for me today ):

The day passed by fast. Again, we did almost nothing for the whole day. Then again, today, more rich people appeared compare to yesterday. Overall, it was still a do-nothing-at-work-day. Hahahaha! Another easy earned RM150 !

She's the flower and i'm the pot, together we are flower pot ! Hahahahaha !

Food model now !

This is the new cutest picture i've ever seeen ! :P

After work, went to Jusco and bought flowers, wanting to surprise babe, but nothing went the way i wanted it to ): emooo. So, after that straight head to her place because got an appointment date with the uncle.

The flower i got (:

Once reach, chilled a while at babe's place then head over to the uncle's place. Then, chilled a while at the uncle's place then went for awesome dinner at Sg Buloh (: have to wait a long timee to get a table (: but it was kind of worth it.

Only took on picture of the dishes because was too shy to take more ):
And the twin look alike uncles !

I dont know how to Itallic my words through phonee but babe, i love youu (: hehehehehe !

Thirteenth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Twelfth Day (:

Twelfth Day down ! (: How am i feeling today ? I'm feeling awesome. I get to spend my whole day with you  again today (: It's the second time we're working together and it's fun ! Hehehehehe !

It's just going to be another brief one because need wake up super early tomorrow ): Sorry.

Woke up kind of early today because going out breakfast with dad before going for work. Slept a bit late last night, so have a little trouble getting up. Hehehehehe ! Got up in time anyway, wash up and went out for breakfast with dad. Had a fast breakfast because afraid that i might be late to go fetch babe from the station.

After breakfast, sent dad home and sent sis to friend's place. Then head to station to pick up babe (: and guess what, babe made me breakfast again ! (: Yummyumm ~ She made the mashed egg for me. My favorite (:

We didn't have trouble getting to our workplace, in fact, we got there early.Babe didn't have breakfast and i don't know where's the nearest McDonalds that opens early ): So, babe says go to nearby petrol station and have some simple breakfast. After breakfast, we head back to our workplace.

We were told what to do, i'm in charge of holding games for people and babe pumping the balloons and entertain kids. It's a very simple job and it's much more simpler when there's nobody came for the launching of the new car. Literally just chilled for the whole day and got RM150. Hahahahah !

Too much free time ! (: Hehehehe.

And this cute baby, RM239,888 !

Time passed by very fast, me and babe  were just hanging around and chit chatting and then it's lunch time. We went to a mall nearby where there is fast food outlets, Ampang Park Mall (: At first we planned to have McDonalds but in the end, we went for KFC instead. The line was quite long and the lunch was very filling and delicious ! We had Cheezy Hot Box with large Cheezy wedges.

Our lunch ! (:

After lunch, head back there and continue chilling until it was time to leave ! The feeling of the end of a working day felt so good. Head back over to babe's place because the mum wasn't cooking. Just planned to have dinner together. Used another way back, my first time in the Smart Tunnel ! Looks cool, got a bit Need For Speed feel. Hahahahah !

Took about half and hour to reach babe's place. When we reached, we both went and had a nap until it was time to go out for dinner. We only went to nearby SS2 to have dinner and then head home. That's how i end my day (: There are pictures but my photographer haven't send it to me yet. Guess everyone have to wait (:

Working with you is so much fun. I can't imagine my day today without would be like. Thank goodness they asked for another person and that person is you. I know you require seriousness when working, so i'll try my best to be serious. Hahahahahaha !

I love you, babe (:

Twelfth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 16, 2013

Eleventh Day (:

Eleventh day down ! (: How am i feeling today ? I'm feeling great but maybe not as great at the past two days ): You look emo and you don't want to tell me why ): Lack of sleep, maybe ? ):

Working tomorrow and it's late now, just get to sign in my blog. Sad case. Just gonna briefly go through my day (: Sorry ):

Woke up, wash up and all and went out to have breakfast with dad. After that, pick up babe from station and head to class. We were late, i was late. Hehehehhe ! After class, move on to Leean's surprise party and the boyfriend's place. We really did surprised her but thank goodness she didn't faint. The boyfriend provide food and the food tasted good. Especially the mash potato ! Yummyumm ~

After that, head back to college and found out lecture ended. So, we headed home. Dropped babe at the station, she don't let me drive her home ): When i reached home, i realized her phone is still with me. She used other people's phone and call, so i brought the phone out back to her. She looks angry and mad ): I'm sorry, babe.

And for the whole night, studied a bit then go through what am i suppose to do tomorrow for work. A bit nervous, first time working as, something like emcee but it's not. Hope i don't die of awkwardnes and butterflies in my tummy tomorrow (: Best thing is, i get to work with you again ! (: Yeeeeaaaayyyy ~ 

Hope we will have fun working together again and hope i don't get you into trouble ): Heee. I love you very much, i can't describe but i'm sure i love you more than anyone could love you in the world ! (: Heheheheh. Signing off. Have a safe journey here tomorrow (: Don't overslept :P

Eleventh day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 15, 2013

Tenth Day (:

Tenth day down ! (: How am i feeling today ? I feel great and had a happy day today. Why ? Because i get to spend the whole day with you ! (: I miss you still (:

What happened today ? I have to go through very brief with this post because i'm very sleepy ): Heheheheh. You called and i woke up with the thought i was late again, but that goodness i wasn't. Made breakfast and went shower, after everything, waited for babe's call and went out already.

Got class, so have to go for it. Hahahahaha ! Spend a lot of time looking for freaking parking, driving around the neighborhood like a stalker, but i was actually looking for parking. Minutes later, finally got a parking and the best thing is we're just in time for class ! Wasn't late at all :P

After lecture, we got almost two hours break but we wanted to study. So, we just had a simple lunch at the college's canteen and head to library to study until the next tutorial. It was my first time study in the library and i had to admit, it feels kind of nice despite the fact that we can't talk or play around ):

Tutorial wasn't long, so after that, went fetch sis home from a friend's house then go pick up Pek Lam and Johnson because we going to have dinner with the others later (: The others didn't reached very soon, so we went to mamak for a quick meal of roti telur ! After that only we made our way to Zen Korean BBQ Restaurant (:

The food was satisfying but i find it kind of little ? I don't know how to say but it tasted good ! (: 

Fried glass noodles (:

Steamed egg (:

Our side dishes, too bad it wasn't refillable ):

And awesome meat, there were more, forgot to take the other one ):

Picture of the day (:

After dinner, all of us went for desserts at KTZ Restaurant at SS2 ! It was kind of pack but luckily we found seats for all of us, 8 people (: I don't think anyone took pictures of our desserts. Too bad. Hahahahaha ! I had loh mai kai ! I'm addicted to em' ! Hehehehehe. After desserts, we went to the night market for a walk and then we head home (:

As much as how i want to sleep right now, i cannot not tell you how i feel today (: Firstly, i feel happy because i get to spend my whole day with you again (: I wish i can do this everyday. Secondly is i feel very touched for what you wanted to do for me (: Thank you for caring so much about me, i really appreciate it. No one has been so good to me, except for you. But no worries okay ? I'll be fine (: I can ask from parents' and all (: Really thank you for caring so much a bout me. I love you very much, babe ! (:

Tenth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (:

Mar 14, 2013

Ninth Day (:

Ninth Day down ! (: How am i today ? I'm fine, i'm great because i get to see you again today (: But whenever you're going to leave, i feel sad ): I miss you so damn much !

Didn't have a goodnight sleep because keep waking up in middle of sleep until i gave up trying to sleep back. Stayed up almost for the whole night but in the morning, had some interval naps cause afraid that i'll be late. Heee ! Woke up for good, went wash up and shower and made myself lunch. After that, head out and drive you from the station.

I thought we were late but then again, we're not. The lecturer is even later than us ! :P Went for lecture and all of my classmates didn't not attend the lecture. From my group, only me and babe attended the lecture. Feel so proud ! Lecturer was revising on early chapters for a while then back on track with today's chapter. Lecture was kind of boring, i tried my very best to focus but i failed :P

After lecture, we head for lunch with another two classmates of mine. Went pick them up then head for tomyam lunch ! Yummyumm ~ By far the tastiest tomyam i ever had, for now (: Until i go Thailand, i'm sure i will find better tomyams ! Four of us ordered the same dishes, which is tomyam  soup and rice. Mine was extra spicy and it was just the way i like it. Extra spicy ! For once, someone actually make it extra spicy when i asked them too ! Hehehehehe ! During lunch, we talked about many nonsense that doesn't make sense, i'm glad i get to make babe laugh (:

After lunch, we went for dessert at Tong Pak Fu again because Vince and Pek Lam want to use up their voucher before it expires. Had another bowl of ice blended something something. After that, we rushed to class.

Tutorial was kind of boring also but i enjoyed disturbing babe :P Teacher was discussing about tutorial questions and as usual, we didn't really paid attention. Time passed by fast though. Unexpectedly, it was time to go home already. Have to say goodbye to you again ):

Dropped babe and the bro at LRT station then i headed home because i thought i have to visit my hospitalized uncle today but then, when i went home, my dad told me that my uncle is okay already and he can go home already. So, in the end, just stayed at home for the whole night (:

You asked me why i always lie ? Is because afraid of scolding ? To be honest, i never think why also. No one ever asked me this question before, even i didn't asked myself before but one thing's for sure is that i don't people to worry about me. Remember i told you once that, i'm used to keeping everything to my own and manage everything by myself ? Yeah, i guess that's why. I just don't want people to worry so much about me and it was a bit of scared because whenever i tell the truth to anyone, they can't really accept it. It will turn out as argument in the end. If it's my parents, yes, you're right, they will scold me. I don't know why. 

But then until i met you, you showed me that i have to let it all out to feel better. With you by my side, i found out that i go through my problems in a better and faster way. I guess you can say that's why i don't really have to lie to you (: because you help me solve them all. The only things i lied before is just what i think is right for you, but i was so wrong. Now that i know, i will never lie to you again unless i'm planning a surprise for you, then i have to lie a bit. Hope you don't mind ! Heheheheh !

Don't worry so much about everything (: I'm sure everything will go on well, eventually. Study smart, work smart and don't push yourself too hard (: 

Besides everything, i'm still eagerly waiting for the day to come, officially couples again (: I love you, babe (:

Ninth day down,
Still waiting,
I love you (: